Assapora l’esperienza di un viaggio in uno scenario del tutto nuovo, dove tu stesso sarai l’unico protagonista del tuo benessere.

The Fioraso Family and all the staff is extremely helpful and efficient in welcoming Guests. Everyone in Hotel Abano Verdi is ready to satisfy all your requests. Allowing you the possibility to experience a relaxing time where everything is centered around wellness is our philosophy.

Give yourself the possibility to be fascinated by our wonderful hills, breathing the sweetness of nature that our Euganean Hills can spread all over.

Enjoy the opportunity to have a relaxing time in our romantic green park where air, earth, and water create the right environment for meditation. The place you have always dreamed is here.

``Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax.``

Arthur Schopenhauer

Love the possibility to experience something special

feeling as if you were at home.

SINCE 1978

Hotel Abano Verdi means Hospitality

Politeness and courtesy together with a family atmosphere is our way to make guests feeling at home.
Inspired by “Va, pensiero, sull’ali dorate” by Giuseppe Verdi, the Hotel provides hospitality in the Italian traditional way.

Ospitalità e tradizione Abano Terme

Book your Holiday of Wellness & Relax

Without intermediaries at the Best Rate Guarantee


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